Monday, January 30, 2012

Flash keeps hurting her legs...

Yesterday, I went to the barn by myself (well, not by myself...I had Scarlet, but Shelby stayed home with her daddy) because I had to get hay and grain and our truck isn't big enough to safely transport a baby in a carseat. Flash's legs were fine. They've actually been fine this entire month, and were very close to completely healed.

Today, I got Shelby all bundled up and snug in the Baby K'tan under my big, big coat. When we pushed open Miss Flash's stall door, both of her front legs were scraped and bleeding at the front of the fetlock. Again. This has been happening off and on for a long time now. I still think it has to do with the way she rolls in her paddock, because the wounds were fresh, still bleeding, and she was covered in still-wet muddiness from rolling. I keep telling her to stop hurting herself, but she doesn't seem to listen.

So after we cleaned her stall, we put her in the washrack and washed off her legs. It was somewhat interesting, because in the K'Tan, Shelby is tummy-to-tummy with me, and her new favorite thing to do is push back as far as she can to try to look upside-down behind the K'Tan is a little stretched out and she sits lower than she should. I couldn't use the Beco because it's too hard to put on over a bulky winter coat (the only drawback I've found so far).

Maybe I should've used the Beco as a front-carry...aaaaah, hindsight.

Anyway, even with Miss Shelby strapped to my front, I was able to do a decent job cleaning Flash's legs. I'm lucky to have such a well-behaved horse, especially in the washrack. I've still got to get her feet trimmed so we can start doing more groundwork. Someday, I will ride again!

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