Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Supplements & the New Wrap

Flash ran out of MSM and I didn't buy more because I've been planning on getting her on a new joint supplement, something stronger, something more effective. Now, she's a little more stiff. Her gait is a little choppier. But all in all, it turns out that the MSM want doing all that much.

I ordered new supplements from SmartPak. Flash will be having a much better joint supplement formulated for senior horses and a multivitamin formulated for senior horses that eat grass hay. They should arrive on the 20th. A week after that, if all goes well, Miss Flash will be feeling like the equine equivalent of a spring chicken.

I've used my new gauze wrap a few times at the barn now. I like to do the double rebozo shoulder-to-shoulder back carry. (What a name, right?) It's tricky, but I'm getting better at it. Today was the first day I got Shelby high enough on my back and secure enough on the first attempt! She LOVES being able to see over my shoulder. She can point to things over my shoulder, too, and reach out to touch Flash. Here's a video that shows how it's done:

If no one has horses out and it won't cause a problem for anyone, I let Shelby play in front of Flash's stall for a bit when the chores are done. This little girl loves getting dirty. She's all about the hay and dirt under the pallet the bales sit on. Today I let her play for a little while, then decided it was time to go. She did not agree. She made very, very sad faces, and there were lots of tears. Almost to the end of the barn aisle, we passed a Norwegian Fjord named Elvis. Shelby adores him, even though she hasn't seen him up close yet. He stuck his nose through the bars at the front of his stall to see what all the commotion was about, and the tears and sad faces came to a screeching halt. I pet his nose, and Shelby started giggling. We'll have to get Elvis some thank-you treats!

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