Sunday, June 3, 2012

Whacked in the Face

Flash was being a little persnickety the other day. She was pulling her "I'm going to nip the air in your general direction so you know I am displeased" routine, which I have zero tolerance for when Shelby is on my back. So I made my "you're in trouble" noise. In anticipation of a slap that wasn't even coming, Flash jerked her head up and away from my free hand, THWACK! right into my face.

Now the left side of my face is sore from jaw to temple, but there's no bruising and only the tiniest bit of swelling. Good thing, because I don't want people handing me domestic violence pamphlets in the ladies' room.

Flash didn't seem to realize that she did it to herself. Or maybe she felt bad. Either way, she was sweet as pie and on her best behavior for the rest of the time I was there.

The K'Tan has officially (sadly) been retired for now. Shelby's too big and strong for a stretchy carrier. I'm still using the Beco at the barn, but I also have a new gauze wrap I've been practicing with at home. I'm hoping Shelby will be able to sit a little higher and be able to see over my shoulder. She's been getting bored if I take too long to do anything. So far, I've done a secure high back carry, but only got it perfect one time. I'm not sure about the double hammock because of the chest wrap, but I'm going to give it a shot. I've had success with the double rebozo shoulder-to-shoulder, and even tried it in public once (James was there to help). Once I find something secure and comfortable, and practice to until I no longer need a mirror or spotter, we'll give it a try at the barn.

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