Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yay for SmartPak!

Flash has been on her new supplements from SmartPak since last Thursday. She gets them in the evenings, so she's only had them three times so far. I wasn't expecting to see any results until she'd been on them for a week or two. But holy maloney, what a difference these supplements have made.

I groomed her for the first time in a while, and her coat is better. It wasn't bad before, but it's better. Shinier. Softer.

Then I turned her out in the outdoor arena. The second I unclipped her lead, she spun around and took off, kicking up her heels on the way. She stopped at the far end to graze. I haven't seen her move like that in a few months, so I was already pretty happy.

When it was time to bring her in, instead of standing at the far end of the field and waiting for me to come to her, she spun around and ran straight for me, swerving and passing me by. She hasn't played this game in a long time. She waited for me to walk halfway to her, then did it again, this time stopping just out of reach and putting her head down, watching. As soon as I took two steps in her direction (crouching in an I'm-gonna-get-you stance, of course), she took off again. It's been years since she's wanted to play you-chase-me-I'll-chase-you. Years.

Finally, I decided enough is enough. Shelby needed a nap, the dog was waiting patiently on the hay outside the stall, and Flash needed to be brought in. But Flash still wanted to play. I had to free longe her a bit to convince her I was serious and get her to come to me. Then we had to have a mini ground manners refresher course, because she wanted to prance and snort and pretend to spook at imaginary beasties.

This version of Flash is so much better than the stiff, sore, obviously not feeling good version. She's just like she used to be. (Warts and all, as the saying goes.) And it's only been a few days. I'm so glad to have her back!

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